AGM 2024

This was held at 25Clausentum Road on Sunday 28th April, 5.15 pm.

The minutes are available here .

AGM 2023

This was held at St Faith's Parish Hall on Sunday 2nd April, 5.30 - 6.30 pm.

The agenda and financial report for 2022 are available here.

Unfortunately only four people attended, all committee members. No changes were made apart from Marian Hollingsworth becoming the new Treasurer but Anna-Maria Holt will remain on the committee.

AGM 2022

This was held at St Faith's Parish Hall on Sunday 13th March, 4.30 - 5.30 pm.

The minutes are available here, and the presentation here.

The current committee were re-elected. During 2021 Marian Hollingsworth stood down as co-chair but will remain on the committee which currently consists of:

  • Chairman:Jonathan Sleath
  • Treasurer: Anna-Maria Holt
  • Elected member: Ann Balfour
  • Elected member: Marian Hollingsworth
  • Elected member: Brian Millet
  • Elected member: Tim Walker





AGM 2021

Due to lockdown restrictions, it will not be possible to hold a formal AGM this year. The Treasurer's and Chairman's reports will be circulated to members on Saturday 20th February. We are also planning a revision to the constitution, to reflect the way that the group has evolved, which can be found here.

AGM 2020

The 2020 AGM wa held on Sunday 16th February at St Faith's Parish Hall. 16 people battled through the storms to attend. The existing committee is unchanged.

Minutes of the meeting can be found here, and the chairs' presentation here.

AGM 2019

The 2019 AGM was held on Sunday 10th February at St Faith's Parish Hall. 21 people attended. The existing Committee will continue in their current roles, and two new members were elected, Brian Millet and Tim Walker, whom we are very pleased to welcome.

Marian gave a presentation about activities during 2018, followed by Jonathan who showed some of the things we have learned about the Fen. Anna-Maria gave a Treasurer's Summary, and Mike a Conservation Officer's review.

The Committee currently consists of:

  • Co-chairs: Marian Hollingsworth and Jonathan Sleath
  • Treasurer: Anna-Maria Holt
  • Conservation Officer: Mike Gibbons
  • Sustainability Officer: Ann Balfour
  • Elected member: Brian Millet
  • Elected member: Tim Walker

Minutes of the meetings can be found here, and a copy of the presentation slides here.


AGM 2018

Our second AGM was held on Sunday 18th February at St Faith's Parish Hall. 28 people attended including Cllr Ian Tait (WCC). Fiona Mather (HCC) attended the start of the meeting. The meeting was chaired initially by Marcus Swalwell. Elections were held by a show of hands. Anna-Maria Holt and Mike Gibbons continue as Treasurer and Conservation Officer respectively. Marian Hollingsworth and Jonathan Sleath were elected as co-chairs, and Ann Balfour as an elected member. There were no other candidates.

Chairman's Annual Report

Marcus thanked everyone who helped and supported the work of the Group in the last year. He also thanked all the groups and individuals who provided financial support. He summarised the Group’s activities for the year and presented a proposal for taking water through a pipe into Zone 3. A copy of his presentation is available for download as v1 (powerpoint 13MB here) or v2 (pdf 2.8MB here).

Treasurer's Report

Anna-Maria gave an interim financial report which is available here. The year end for financial purposes was decided to be March 31st.

Conservation Officer's Report

Mike gave a presentation about the background of the fen and the wildlife to be found. His presentation is available here.

Survey Findings

Findings from the survey including the free text comments (here) were discussed and presented. The presentation follows the balance sheet here.

Draft Plan for 2018

This had already been circulated to members and was presented as a discussion document. It and gave a number of options for the management of the fen in the coming year and resulted in much discussion. It can be downloaded here.

The minutes of the meeting are available here.

AGM 2017

Our first AGM was held on Tuesday, 21st February 2017 at St Faith's Parish Hall. 26 people attended including representatives for Hampshire County Council Countryside Services, The Conservation Volunteers, Hampshire County Council and Winchester City Council. The meeting was chaired by Marcus Swalwell, who was elected our new Chairperson and also elected were Mike Gibbons - Conservation Officer, Anna Maria Holt - Treasurer and Jonathan Sleath - Website Officer. 46 people have now registered as members of the Group and we are hoping that they will fill special contributory roles such as species experts, photography, work party volunteering etc

The issues facing the Fen were presented and our general strategy outlined to:

Conserve- Learn about and protect the valuable animal and plant species across the site by achieving Local Nature Reserve and later SSSI status
Beautify- Restore the natural beauty of the fen and woodlands
Enjoy- Keep the play area beneath the central beech and the short cut path to Garnier Road.

The Constitution was ratified and there was a question and answer session - communication, membership, biodiversity and species recovery, and support from the Council and other organisations were discussed. Members were asked to consider and discuss with the local community future management and restoration proposals for the Fen, ready for forthcoming focus meetings. Particularly Water Supply, Balancing amenity use of the Fen with protecting special habitats, and Light, tree and scrub management.

WCC Councillor Ian Tait congratulated the Group on their speedy formation and engagement. Thanks were also expressed to Hugh Corry for sharing his knowledge of the Fen, his surveys and experience and to Marcus for all his hard work.