The Group Constitution

[The original 2017 constitution was reviewed and amended as part of the virtual 2021 AGM

It was reviewed at the 2024 AGM ]

Clausentum Fen Conservation Group Constitution

1. The group is called the 'Clausentum Fen Conservation Group'.

2. The main aims of the group are to:
Assist with the management of Clausentum Fen for the benefit of nature conservation
and local people.
Encourage the goodwill and involvement of the local community and appreciation of
Clausentum Fen.

3. To fulfil these aims the group will adopt a long-term conservation management plan and
coordinate a programme of practical conservation tasks and activities on Clausentum Fen with
authorisation from HCC Countryside Services.

4. To further these aims, the group will consult with local people, publicise the group and its
activities, raise money to support these aims, apply for grants.
The Committee and membership

5. The group shall have a Committee (consisting of at least a Chairperson and a Treasurer) who
can meet at any time to discuss the group's activities. These officers will be responsible for the
administration of the group and for consulting with HCC and its agents. Communication with
members will generally be by email but hard copies will be distributed to off-line members.

6. An AGM will be held at least once per calendar year. Motions will
be carried with minimum 2/3 majority.

7. Membership will be open to anyone interested in taking an active part in the organisation and
who is willing to adhere to the rules of the group as stated herein. Any person under 16 years old
must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when attending a practical task or activity.

8. The committee shall have the power to refuse/terminate the membership (at any time) of
anyone whose membership is considered detrimental to the aims of the group or whose actions
are unsafe, or who is otherwise not willing to adhere to repeated warnings about their behaviour.

9. All Committee members must be over 18 years old and they will be (re) elected at the Annual
General Meeting (to which all members will be invited) for a period of up to one year at a time.
Any committee member may resign from his/her position by providing the Chairperson with at
least one month's written notice.

10. Additional Officers may be appointed as required; these may include deputies to cover
holidays and sickness and people specifically responsible for such areas as volunteer
coordination, publicity & social media, fund-raising etc. They can be appointed with the
Committee's approval.

11. Practical tasks will be led by a suitably trained person

12. The group is affiliated to HCC Countryside Services, The Conservation Volunteers and has
the support of Hampshire County Council who lease the land. The group will communicate with
HCC Countryside Services when appropriate.

Health and Safety

13. Advice about health and safety and a Risk Asessment will be available on the Clausentum Fen website

14. Insurance will be obtained to cover volunteers working on the Fen during CFCG volunteer

15. Those working on the Fen will be expected to use their common sense and take
responsibility for dealing with any risks that they encounter. The Risk Assessment will be reviewed annually at the AGM.


16. There might be an annual subscription fee to help meet expenses. The rate will be fixed at
the members' AGM.

17. There will be a bank account in the group's name. All donations, contributions, bequests,
successful funding bids and any other income sources must be routed into this account and it will
be the responsibility of the Treasurer to set up and manage. Expenditure may be authorised by
any one of the bank account signatories (i.e. Chairperson or Treasurer).

18. The bank account operates on 'either / or' signatories but we require two committee member
signatories to authorise any expenditure more than £100.

19. Accounts (income and expenditure) will be kept by the Treasurer. An annual financial reconciliation shall be presented to the AGM for the previous calendar year.

Alteration to the constitution or dissolution

20. This constitution should be reviewed at least every 3 years and can only be altered with the
agreement of at least 2/3 of those attending the AGM.

21. Amendments to the constitution (or dissolution of the group) must be conveyed to the
Chairperson in writing. A special meeting can then be arranged to discuss such proposals, giving
members at least 28 days' notice.

22. The group may be dissolved if deemed necessary by the members in a majority vote at a
special meeting. Any assets or remaining funds (after debts have been paid) shall be returned to
their providers or transferred to local charities or similar groups at the discretion of the Committee.

April 2024