What's Happening
Conservation Update:
Regular work is necessary to maintain the mosaic of habitats on the Fen and to stop it being overgrown by willows and brambles and shaded out by new trees. The pools in zone 3 need to cleared annually of invasive aquatic grasses such as reedmace, common reed and reed sweet grass in order to maintain some open water. This is a heavy task and we are only able to do this in the area closest to the road and is undertaken during winter. Much of the work at other times consists of scything unwanted vegetation to reduce the bulk of the vigorous grasses and coarse weeds to give the wild flowers an opportunity to grow. During term term we have regular sessions on a Wednesday afternoon with Community Service boys from Winchester College who provide the bulk of the muscle power. Please let us know if you are interested in joining in..
Volunteering to help manage our fen
We have a occassional Saturday
morning slots 10.00-12.30 for volunteers to join in and help restore and maintain the fen. These usually take place in the summer and involve helping with raking and transporting cut vegetation.
Please see the formal risk assessment below if you are interested in helping out:
CFCG Conservation work risk assessment.
Work Party essentials
Clothing- depends on the weather but long trousers are essential, together with tough footwear such as boots or wellingtons. Strong gloves if you have them, and a waterproof. Sun hats and cream in summer.
Food- bring some if you anticipate being hungry
Health and Safety- you should be reasonably fit. You attend at your own risk but we have never had any more serious problems than stings from nettles and scratches from brambles! The Fen is uneven and marshy in places underfoot and we will mainly be clearing vegetation. A Safety talk will be given at the start of each day if appropriate, covering tools, first aid, hazards etc. It is a good idea to be fully vaccinated for Tetanus. There are two diseases associated with working in the countryside and we advise the following sensible precautions.
Weil's Disease (Leptospirosis)is a bacterial infection caused by contact with urine from infected animals, such as rats, or through contaminated water. Bacteria enter the body through cuts in the skin or through the membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes. To help prevent infection :
- Ensure cuts and abrasions are cleaned and covered with a waterproof plaster.
- Avoid rubbing your eyes, nose or mouth.
- Wash hands after contact with water and before eating.
Most cases are mild, with symptoms which include high temperature, chills, sudden headaches, vomiting, loss of appetite, muscle pain, conjunctivitis, cough or a rash. Some cases are more severe and will need medical attention.
Lyme Disease is a bacterial infection contracted through a bite from an infected tick. To help prevent infection :
- Wear long sleeves and trousers which tuck into boots.
- Regularly check clothing and skin.
- Remove ticks when seen by pulling as close to the skin as possible. Check again when home.
The most common symptom is a circular rash where the tick has bitten. Consult your GP if you develop flu-like symptoms such as tiredness, muscle or joint pains, headache, fever or chills, or neck stiffness.
Teenagers- under 16 year olds must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Parking- is available on Garnier Road.