In January 2018 the Fen had a visit from Mark and Chris, two members of the local metal-detecting group, Midweek Searchers.
The finds were subsequently examined by Katie Hinds (Hampshire Cultural Trust Finds Liaison Officer), and further links to photographs and details are given below:
An iron medieval/ early post-medieval (1350-1550) horseshoe with one iron nail in situ. It is most likely a type 4. The horseshoe is heavily corroded, and measures 134.09mm in length and 130.61mm at maximum width, though it narrows to a point....
A medieval to post-medieval horseshoe (1200-1700). It is difficult to give a narrower date range or type due to a large proportion of the horseshoe being missing. As well as this, the horseshoe has been bent slightly. There is one....
An incomplete copper-alloy post-medieval double-loop rectangular buckle frame, missing its pin. Whitehead (1996, 75) suggests a date of 1570-1700. The outside edges of the frame are triangular in cross-section, with an angled outside edge, while...
An incomplete silver medieval penny of Edward IV, epsicopal mint of York. The coin is incomplete as part of the circumference, and therefore the legend, is missing. Carl Savage comments, 'there are no marks by the bust which may represent a....
A Roman nummus of the House of Constantine (AD 307-361), GLORIA EXERCITVS reverse type depicting two soliders and one standard. Uncertain mint, dating to AD 335-41 (Reece Period 17)....
A Roman nummus of the House of Constantine (AD 307-361) BEATA TRAN-QVILLITAS reverse type depicting globe on altar inscibed VO / TIS / XX or VOT / IS / XX, three stars above. Uncertain mint, dating to AD 321-3 (Reece Period 16)....
An incomplete early post-medieval (1500-1700) lead alloy button (probably), missing its integral loop and one of four decorative knops. The button is domed to the front and concave to the reverse, with a prominent casting flash from the centre of...
An incomplete copper alloy post-medieval (c.1600-1800) hooked strap or belt fitting (probably), broken across its loop and missing the reverse section of the object. It is formed from a single piece of copper alloy, roughly an isoceles triangle in...
A group of eleven post-medieval (1644-c.1800) lead shot. Ball shot generally date from after 1644, and most are late 17th/18th century in date....
See picture below. From top left:
medieval ornamental belt stud
medieval buckle
ornamental clip
various musket balls/fishing weights -
small roman coin - 330-335 Constantine "Gloria Exercitus" (The Glory of the Army) with two soldiers standing aside two standards
large roman coin - c320 Constantine "Beata Tranquillitas" (Blessed/Holy Peace)
Edward IV coin - c1470
large medieval horseshoe
small pony horseshoe